jamuan klas yg t'akhir pada 20.10.09
kami smua appy sbb dpt capture pin ngn ckgu fav kami
"cikgu asri"
dye ckgu math kte org yg paling comel..
even he short,he so kindly...
cute & like share prob math with student...
first pic ny geng kami yg suke mmekak dlm clss..
la pn nk SPM!!!!
so tension...so nant friendship pn x ade...
so guys 5 perd gigih
good luck 4 ur SPM!!!!
kami smua appy sbb dpt capture pin ngn ckgu fav kami
"cikgu asri"
dye ckgu math kte org yg paling comel..
even he short,he so kindly...
cute & like share prob math with student...
first pic ny geng kami yg suke mmekak dlm clss..
- fik 'nyah'
- tyra 'keling'
- uniie 'gedix
- fazira 'lat'
la pn nk SPM!!!!
so tension...so nant friendship pn x ade...
so guys 5 perd gigih
good luck 4 ur SPM!!!!
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